
Would you like to find out who and where distributes products, software or other goods and services under your trademarks on the Internet?
You are interested to know:
• How many sites, advertisements on marketplaces or social networks distribute products, goods and services under your trademarks, and which of these is counterfeit?
• how many sites use your registered trademark in their domain name?
• who places your graphic trademarks on their website and claims to be your partner or supplier?
• who illegally uses your trademark to promote their goods and services in contextual advertising systems?
• who distributes your software, audio, video, text and graphic content or any other copyright object on the Internet?
Our report will give you answers to all these questions. We will compile a report on all major communication channels, in all languages ​​you are interested in, in all jurisdictions you are interested in.

Why us?

We have extensive experience in solving such problems. BRANDPOL is an innovative technology platform that actually operates in 172 countries around the world. In every country in the world, we analyze the main search engines, marketplaces, sites of contextual advertising systems, social networks, video hosting, channels in instant messengers, torrent trackers. We are confident in the accuracy and completeness of our search.

Service cost

The cost of this service is 479 USD. For this money, you will receive a complete high-quality and fast report on the mentions of your brand on the Internet.
Make an order and you will receive a report on the audit of your brand within 3 to 10 business days (in some cases, it can be up to 30 business days).

Nuestro equipo de especialistas cualificados se pondrá en contacto con usted lo antes posible.

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