
إنزال المجموعة في أي شبكة اجتماعية

لدينا خبرة واسعة في حماية الحقوق الحصرية. BRANDPOL هي المنصة التكنولوجية المبتكرة. لقد قام المتخصصون لدينا بتطوير ودمج البنى القانونية الفريدة للشبكة الاجتماعية. تتيح لك هذه التقنية تحقيق النتيجة الأكثر فعالية والقضاء على الانتهاكات.

Every reference to intellectual property or brand is automatically spotted, documented and verified

TikTok is is a video-focused social networking service.
This is one of the most important channels for promoting counterfeit products and pirated content of various copyright holders is distributed. If you find out that your content is distributed through this network, then you can order the service of removing an account that violates your rights.

Youtube is a video-focused social networking service.
This is one of the most important channels for promoting counterfeit products and pirated content of various copyright holders is distributed. If you find out that your content is distributed through this network, then you can order the service of removing an account that violates your rights.

Twitter is a popular social network operating in Eastern Europe.
Counterfeit products are often sold through this social network and pirated content of various copyright holders is distributed. If you find out that your products or content is distributed through this social network, then you can order the service of blocking an account that violates your rights.

Instagram is a popular social network operating in Eastern Europe.
Counterfeit products are often sold through this social network and pirated content of various copyright holders is distributed. If you find out that your products or content is distributed through this social network, then you can order the service of blocking an account that violates your rights.

FaceBook is a popular social network operating in Eastern Europe.
Counterfeit products are often sold through this social network and pirated content of various copyright holders is distributed. If you find out that your products or content is distributed through this social network, then you can order the service of blocking an account that violates your rights.